LDI 2016 Live Design International

November 03, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

 LDI 2016


LDI happens every year in Las Vegas Nevada and this year was celebrating its 28th anniversary.

LDI, which stands for Live Design International, located at the world famous Las Vegas Convention center is one of the largest lighting tradeshow conventions in the world. The show brings in over 12,000 people from every walk of life in over 80 countries talking about, displaying, demonstrating, and selling everything having to do with the lighting world and all that relates to it. It has over 350 various vendors and exhibitors from the largest sound, staging, and lighting companies to your smaller new concept and product companies

Ribbon Cutting by former Las Vegas mayor Oscar GoodmanRibbon Cutting by former Las Vegas mayor Oscar Goodman

The LDI expo starts off with a ceremonial ribbon cutting from the current Las Vegas mayor. This year’s cutting was performed by the former Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman. Once the ribbon is cut thousands upon thousands begin pouring into the expo floor and you can feel the excitement as you look around and vendors begin to stand tall with smiles on ready to greet their possible future clients.

If you own, run or are in charge of staging, trussing, programming, sound engendering, rigging, in fact, anything audio/ visual and all in between, then this is the show for you. Creative and innovative products from worldwide vendors can be found aisle after aisle.

How big is the show you ask?  The answer is in 3 parts. First, there is the main, the convention or “expo” floor itself, which is around the size of a large football field. Second are the smaller rooms in which you will find demo rooms, private conferences, and seminars. Third is the outside venue with Networking areas complete with live entertainment , food truck, beer trucks which  fill most of the main parking lot.

Located right outside the convention center’s main doors, Live Outside - Technology for Outdoor Events & Festivals, not only features great food and entertainment during the day, but there are several big shows and parties in the evening. Many of the products featured at LDI are used on these stages and setups to highlight what it is that they can do.

Yes,  you can not only look at and get to touch products hands on, and speak with the people who created or are in charge of installing them, but you can attend classes on how to use those products or how that same company is working on new products.

One of the extra exciting things that happen on the expo floor is that several of the large lighting companies put on their PROGRAMED amazing light shows; these feature not only the incredible lighting that they sell but the programming and controllers that help to create these amazing shows.

At most conventions, there is some form of networking going on: well LDI is no exception. In fact, the convention center is so large you can walk for miles and still find small groups of 2 to 15 people networking and creating new friendships.

Are there other concerts, shows forms of entertainment there during LDI?  Yes absolutely! Because the show is located in Las Vegas the entertainment capital of the world, you can bet there are a lot of after parties, some sponsored by LDI and its sponsors, as well as many mainstream clubs and events giving either a free entrance or discount using your LDI badge.

* all photos and videos in this article are from Jake Klein of JakeKleinPhotography  



For more information and to register for the 2017 LDI show please visit http://www.ldishow.com/ldi16/Public/Enter.aspx



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